To facilitate and improve the experience of using Talkii & Talkii Tab apps, a package solution has been designed and developed. User-friendly, custom-made and secured, we will deliver the Talkii package to your door with a complete userguide, facilitating the configuration and the usage.
Talkii + Phone + Tablet
starting at
+ Full access to Talkii & Talkii Tab
+ Samsung Tab A 10"
+ Samsung Smartphone A20
+ Ultra protective Tablet case
+ Maintainance & updates
+ Mail & phone assistance
+ Home Delivery
+ Ongoing Support
starting at
+ Full access to Talkii & Talkii Tab
+ Samsung Tab A 10"
+ Samsung Smartphone A20
+ Ultra protective Tablet case
+ Maintainance & updates
+ Mail & phone assistance
+ Home Delivery
+ Ongoing Support
*Wholesale prices apply to orders of more than 10 licences. For more info, call us at +352 621 224 662 or e-mail us on